Marsya Sibarani

Researcher, Wildlife Conservation Society

Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?

Charity/Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

Areas of expertise

Education & training Research

Would you be willing to be approached and share your lessons learned in your area(s) of expertise with our community?


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Recent Comments

Comment on Hi, Marsya here.
Apr 11, 2020

Awesome! Lovely to meet you, Jessie :D

Yes, I do agree!

Comment on Hi, Marsya here.
Apr 11, 2020

Thanks, Thirza :)

Apr 11, 2020

Thank you for your encouraging feedback! I think it's not "failed"--one kind of training would be more accessible & suitable to some groups but less to some other. The most important thing is that there are people who benefit from your training.

We at Tambora are also still improving our organisation to make our activities more accessible to people from outside Jakarta (atm, most activities are centered in Greater Jakarta).

Comment on Lucy Tallents here
Mar 30, 2020

Hi, Lucy! Very excited to meet you here! I was one of your QGIS online course participants (I guess it was on 2015 or 2016). I still use QGIS until now, and I started from your course!

Regards from Indonesia