Stella Diamant

Project Leader, Madagascar Whale Shark Project

Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?

Charity/Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

Areas of expertise

Fundraising Partnerships and collaboration development Research

Would you be willing to be approached and share your lessons learned in your area(s) of expertise with our community?


Influencer Of


Channels contributed to:

Professional development Well-being and resilience

Rooms participated in:

Collaborate and help others

Recent Comments

Apr 02, 2021

Hi Lindsey, thanks for your note. I am glad you find it useful! 

Apr 02, 2021

Hi Eva,

Thank you for your reply! Yes, so many more things to add, but definitely I agree that having this open flexible approach is so important, while being humble and aware that we don't know much or aren't entitled to anything either!

All the best to you :)

Dec 09, 2020

Hi Sophie! Thats super helpful thank you. I struggle with finding totally bilingual translators for translating documents, and often can't pay for it so I rely on volunteers. I was wondering if there is a conservation network like Upwork (which I didn't know about, its awesome!) but for people wanting to volunteer their skills in conservation? Ie. I really need a graphic designer for a few documents, but limited funds. It would be a great way for someone to gain experience and have an impact in conservation, potentially turn into a long-term collaboration? I also feel there are so many experts out there in these fields just wanting to help out but it seems difficult to find them. Just wondering if anyone knows of a network like this? Thanks!

Nov 20, 2020

Thanks Beth! I just signed up. Highly relevant in this field especially in this weird period.