Chang-Hong Tsao (He/Him)

Terrestrial Research & Monitoring Officer, Belize Audubon Society
Natalie (Tally) Yoh

Postdoctoral researcher, UW-Madison

I am a conservation scientist focused on understanding the impacts of landscape-scale disturbance on tropical biodiversity. I’m particularly interested in how we can combine acoustic technologies and machine learning to quantitatively assess these impacts, as well as assess the effectiveness of conservation initiatives. I'm currently a postdoc researcher at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, UW-Madison using soundscapes to assess the value of forest certification for wildlife in logged forests in Gabon. Previously, I completed my PhD at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology focused on bats in Borneo. 
Elizabeth Stephenson

Director, Marine Conservation Action Fund, New England Aquarium

Hannah Mulvany

Wildlife Biologist/Communications Specialist, Song & Dance Communications

I started my conservation career as a researcher/author for the Arkive online natural world encyclopedia, before managing the Wildscreen Exchange project which gives 350+ organisations across the world access to free photographs and videos for their communications. From working on this project, I developed a keen interest in conservation communications and began researching impact and technique. I also ran the public section of the Wildscreen Festival, Witness the Wild, which is an event programme that includes a travelling bicycle-powered wildlife film cinema, the world's largest recycled and recyclable photography exhibition, and a nature-themed street art gallery. Since then, I have been running my own conservation communications business, Song and Dance Communications, but split my time 50/50 between this and field work, which mostly centres around ecosystem restoration and short-term contracts in the ecotourism industry. I also produce a seldom updated blog, which I hope to spend more time on at some point in the not-too-distant future!
Kate Vannelli

Program Director, Global Conservation Corps

Carolyn Rosevelt, MSc

Seeking GIS, Sci Comm, or Field Research opportunities, formerly NASA

Highly experienced in supporting policy and decision making through delivering data on marine species, coastal pollution, and water delivery on the local, state, and federal levels. Early in my career I took every opportunity I could to gain experience in marine mammal science from California to Quebec. These opportunities created strong connections eventually guiding me to researching plastic pollution while earning my masters degree. As I finished writing my thesis, I began working with NASA on projects using satellite imagery and big data to investigate drought, this experience immensely strengthened my project management, mapping, and analytical skills. Last year I ventured into conservation writing wanting to build on my science communication skills. I would be happy to feature your project or career journey as a blog post within WildHub, so feel free to reach out to set up a short chat/interview.
Jack Cole

Project and Fundraising Coordinator, Restore Our Planet

Edy Hendras Wahyono

Conservation Education, Nature Conservation Education Foundation (YAPEKA)

Saya Edy Hendras, sebelumnya sebagaai peneliti mengenai primata terutama oranguta, dan sudah menulis tentang buku panduan lapangan untuk primataa Indonesia. Kami mempunyai lembaga Yayasan Pendidikan Konservasi alam, yang didirikan sejak tahun 2004. Kegiatan yayasan kami adalah pendidikan lingkungan untuk pelatihan guru, pembuatan buku modul sekolah, buku permainan serta buku-buku yang terkait dengan keagaamaan, misalnya Buku Modul Pendidikan Lingkungan Untuk Pesantren. Selain itu juga membantu dalam berbagai kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat, seperti pengembangan ekowisata, pertanian organik, pembuatan biogas serta peningkatan kapasitas. Semua kegiatan di lakukan baik di teresterial ataupun di laut/marine, yang terkait dengan konservasi kawasan
David Kabambo Kabambo

Founder & Executive Director , Peace for conservation

David Kabambo is the founder and Executive Director of Peace for Conservation (PFC ) and holds a B. A. degree in Social Work, a Postgraduate Diploma in Wildlife Management, and is presently working towards a Master’s degree in Natural Resource Management and Assessment.  David has a particular skill-set in supporting the transformation of people’s understanding and viewpoints regarding the benefits of conservation. He has had real impacts at the grassroots level, working with bush meat poachers, for alternative livelihoods such as wildlife conservation educators. He has developed and implemented a highly successful employment schemes whereby former poachers a recruited as community conservation educator, they visit at schools and local communities to advocate wildlife conservation, the wider benefits to Tanzania’s national income (for example eco-tourism) and provide real-life testimonials regarding the negative impacts of the bush-meat trade. Since 2016, David has donated 47 tricycles to disabled person greatly increasing their comfort and ability to lead normal lives. He has set himself a goal of donating 100 tricycles by 2025. He is keen that local disabled person do not miss out on experiencing local wildlife, such as the magical ‘Big Five’  and has arranged dedicated tours to the Serengeti. National park .He also feels that these persons living close to protected areas in the Serengeti ecosystem have a vital and active role as ambassadors for wildlife conservation.
Brian Heppenstall

Lecturer in Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation, Kingston Maurward College

I lead and deliver a part-theory, part hand-on course in Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation at Kingston Maurward College, on the South Coast of the UK. I have managed Rangers and Engagement staff and overseen species and habitat management for over 20 years, but my passions are around people and conservation. From writing bids for engagement projects/roles to developing the future workforce, I believe the key to a brighter ecological future lies with people. I received the Alumni of the Year Award from Bournemouth University, in 2018, nominated for my work in supporting young people in Conservation, and our team have developed an industry standard placement scheme. I am also the co-host of a Conservation podcast; The Hive.
Lucy Tallents

Conservation educator, VerdantLearn

Affordable, flexible and sociable online learning in technical skills for conservation and open education.  Support for virtual and hybrid conferences and events
Fátima D. Gigante

Program Coordinator, CoalitionWILD

Interdisciplinary conservation professional. Consultant at the European Forest Institute and coordinator for CoalitionWILD 2022 Global Mentorship Programme. Passionate about the social dimensions of natural resource management, community-based conservation, participatory methodologies and human-wildlife conflicts.

Co-Director, Borneo Nature Foundation International

I am passionate about primates, felids and large mammals, conservation education and outreach.
Kirsty Crawford

Volunteer and Community Engagement Manager , Marine Conservation Society

I also run the conservation workshop and networking platform '& another thing'. See details of our free upcoming workshops and events here -
Samirah Siddiqui

Programme Coordinator, Global Environments Network

Anish Banerjee

Managing Director, Think Wild Foundation

Hi,  I'm Anish, a young conservationist with an interest in nature based solutions, human-wildlife interactions and conservation outside protected areas. I am currently a consultant at Legal Atlas, working on projects pertaining to wildlife trafficking, biodiversity conservation and wildlife health. I founded Think Wildlife Foundation. We have a few research projects on human wildlife conflict and wildlife cybercrime. We also have hosted a few plantations in the past in our neighbourhood and plan to expand these works in the future. I also host The Think Wildlife Podcast!
Nguyen Van Kien

principal researcher, Vietnam National plant genebank - plant resources center (prc)

My work is serving plant genetic resources conservation and use intervention for food and agriculture development (PGRFA) in Vietnam. We design, develop, carry out platform and strategy, programs on PGRFA and relevant areas, including consultancy, training activities. Currently, we are trying to focus on diversity and evolution works of crop and wild crop relatives (CWRs)in the contexts of climate changes, nutrition and health styles and ecosystem services payments and environments as well as values series of culture, spirit and religions that plant genetic resources contribute to sustainable human social development against future challenges. I hope that we could exchange experience, idea and innovation to contribute in developing a better world. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback, support and cooperation soon
Ross Rowe

Coach, Ross Rowe Coaching

I am a problem solving and executive life coach accredited with the World Institute for Action Learning and the International Coach Federation. I have over 25 years of workplace experience in environmental science and management. I coach for the beauty of life, wonder of diversity and rewards of exploring.
Ana Di Pangracio

Biodiversity Director and Deputy Director, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)

Lawyer (University of Buenos Aires). Specialised in environmental law (Argentine Catholic University). IUCN Councillor (2021-2025). Member of the UNCCD CSO Panel (2022-2024). Observer at the UNCCD Intergovernmental Working Group on Drought (2022-2024). Biodiversity, human rights and gender. A passionate advocate for nature protection with an ecosystem and human rights-based approach. Naturalist and birdwatcher. Over a decade experience working in civil society organisations and networks, as an environmental consultant, lecturer and editor.
Alan J. Hesse

Senior Behaviour Change Specialist at TRAFFIC; also independent author-illustrator and climate education entrepreneur, TRAFFIC International

My conservation career started in 1992 when I helped set up and joined a University expedition to the Bolivian Amazon. What started out as a 3-month experience ended up being a life-changing inflection point that set my professional and personal course to the present day. My conservation experience was built bottom-up and hands-on, and includes field data collection and logistics, grassroots organization leadership and project management, community engagement and capacity building, M&E, training and behavior change, and lately climate education through authorship of graphic novels and other resources. My conservation career includes positions as a senior staff member and a principal investigator at the Bolivian BirdLife Partner Armonía, field investigator in the Gran Chaco with WCS Bolivia, field logistics officer for Conservation International's RAP expeditions, and Programme Manager and Senior Manager of M&E at Rare. I currently work as Senior Behaviour Change Specialist with TRAFFIC International, applying behavioural science approaches to support TRAFFIC's work across wildlife supply chains globally. 
Lize Gibson-Hall

Information Officer, Bumblebee Conservation Trust

I am a marine biology graduate with an MSc in conservation from Plymouth Uni. I use to be the assistant community manager of WildHub and. have a passion for science communication and bringing people together. 🦇 In my spare time I have a blog as well as a Redbubble shop where I sell my artwork. Check it out under my website link :) 🦇 Other interests include the use of technology (specifically cameras) to study animals as well as animal husbandry and advocacy.