Robin Kuehn (She/Her)

Anthrozoology Master's Student, Canisius College

About Robin Kuehn

I am a current graduate student in Anthrozoology, and am very interested in making connections between conservation, ethics, welfare, and decolonization. My background is in wildlife rehabilitation and environmental education, and I'm also learning as much as I can about behavior and training. I only just stumbled across this community, so I have a lot of reading and listening I look forward to doing first! 

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Jan 25, 2024

Thank you for the offer, Elena. I don't currently, nor do I expect to work in a region with non-human primates, so I will decline for now.

Jul 19, 2023

Google has an online course builder that's free. I learned of it from a colleague who developed a volunteer  training program for the aquarium where she works, using this tool.

Sep 06, 2022

Thanks for putting this guide together! I was very confused when trying to make a post on the mobile site, and it turns out it didn't have the whole bar with the buttons for saving and scheduling the post. Even the "desktop site" on mobile didn't have it, but I moved to a computer and found what was missing!

Jul 23, 2022

I think this is a really helpful overview. From my own experiences in such an environment, I also learned the importance of recognizing when the harassment and bullying is being supported by the culture of the organization, and thus when leaving the situation is the safest option.