Sarah Neill

Lecturer/Marine Biologist , Kendal College

Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?

Academic or Research Institute

Areas of expertise

Behaviour change campaigns Communication and marketing Education & training Fundraising Research

Would you be willing to be approached and share your lessons learned in your area(s) of expertise with our community?


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Recent Comments

Feb 15, 2023

links above to marine conservation group with details and also to the PWG website for more info on PWG

Feb 11, 2023

The submissions guidelines hyperlink takes you to a story on the MBA, but I couldn't find any guidelines?

Comment on Sarah Neill
Sep 17, 2022

Hi, sorry try this link:

May 16, 2022

Hi, you can definitely access funding to participate in things like this. Here are two links from a quick google search:

You will need to research and find grants where you meet the eligibility criteria, and there are lots out there. It’s very time consuming applying for the right grants but worth it.  WildHub also have a great grant writing manual and course to help guide you to write successful grant proposals. I have fundraised my whole expedition to the High Arctic through grants and fundraising, I was more successful with lots of smaller grants offered in my own local area which all added up. This is the link my go fund me - if you read the donors and updates it will give you lots of ideas for fundraising etc.

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