About Alec Christie
Background: I studied at the University of St Andrews for my BSc Hons in Marine Biology from 2013-2017. During my time I trained and helped conduct research on seals at the SMRU/SOI, cetaceans in Turkey with DMAD, and studied abroad at James Cook University, Australia, undertaking research on coral reefs with Dr Maria Dornelas and Professor Sean Connelly. I was also lucky enough to study polar ecology, including a field course to the Western Antarctic Peninsula in March 2017. I then applied for a PhD project advertised through the Cambridge ESS DTP and joined the Conservation Evidence group in the UCCRI. I completed my PhD in Zoology (Determining the biases and consistences in the evidence for conservation) in March 2021 as a member of King’s College and the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute (UCCRI) in the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI).
I am very interested in communicating science and conservation issues to the public and particularly interested in becoming a wildlife television presenter. In my spare time I am also an amateur wildlife photographer, love getting outdoors and playing all sorts of sports when I can.
Current role: I am a Research Associate in the Department of Zoology and the Biosecurity Research Initiative at St Catherine’s (BioRISC) College. My research focuses on applying evidence-based principles from medicine to biodiversity conservation via the Conservation Evidence project. In particular, my work involves co-developing decision support tools with conservationists working to conserve species and provide them with relevant evidence-based recommendations. Currently, I am working on a project to help report tests of invasive species management interventions via an online app and promote more testing of conservation interventions.
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Hi Lucy,
General advice on synthesis and meta-analysis can be found here: https://environmentalevidence.org/information-for-authors/
Some carnivore examples of meta-analyses that I found on google scholar were: https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12420 and https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/oryx/article/local-hunting-of-carnivores-in-forested-africa-a-metaanalysis/69714D59961C234669C6D61D8BA62499 and https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12959. Not sure how good they are as the perceived 'quality' of meta-analyses varies a lot. There's this handbook too: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9781400846184/html.
Good luck!
All the best,
Wow Alec, very interesting work, congratulations.
I fully agree on the power of these tools to generate effective conservation processes not only in terms of the direct impact we can have on the species or ecosystem where we work, but also in terms of the optimization of resources that will always be a limiting factor.
Best of luck!
Many thanks!
Hey Alec, glad to see you managed to get on here! I should write my own intro...
Haha yes just needed my account to be activated!