About Oliver Dauert

Here are the 3 things I am all about:

1. Nature

From day one my favorite place to be and my north star in every life decision I make. I want to protect and rewild as much nature as I possibly can.

In order to do so I created 2 businesses:

Wildya - my attempt to give personal development a wild update

Wild Business Mates - my consulting service to empower wild change makers

2. Personal Development

I am life long learner and believe that we can live happier if we take matters into our own hands. Daily tiny actions accumulate. So with Wildya, I can support you to take action and change your life.

3. Ecopreneurship

The world needs to change. The most successful companies & NGOs of tomorrow generate positive impact at scale. If you attempting to do this, let me help you.

I am building Wildya transparently, to provide a clear blueprint on how to take an idea from 0 to a sustainable business / NGO. Creating a community of wild change-makers, as well as consulting them along the way.

Which category below best describes the type of organisation you currently work for/or run?

Private-sector company or business

Areas of expertise

Communication and marketing Education & training Funding Human resources Partnerships and collaboration development Project/programme management

Would you be willing to be approached and share your lessons learned in your area(s) of expertise with our community?


Would you like to be added to the calendar invitation for our monthly WildHub Socials?


Intro Content


Hi Biodiversity Heroes!

My name is Oliver and I help people to transfrom eco-anxiety into actions. I do this through business & personal development.

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Jun 16, 2023

Thank you for the kind words everyone. Happy that it helped! 

Sure I am just about to post the next video, so I will embed it instead! 

Sure you can now find all newsletters that I wrote so far on my blog. With clear step by step guides, cheat lists etc. https://wildbusinessmates.com/donation-page/

Apr 10, 2023
Replying to Grace Alawa

You're welcome to WildHub Oliver, glad you finally sat down to write your intro. Good to have you here, you'll get any collaboration you're looking for and more. Cheers

Thank you Grace for the warm Welcome! 

Mar 15, 2023

Great idea to meet active members like this! 

Mar 09, 2023
Replying to Thirza Loffeld

Hi Ghyslain, 

Merci for sharing this ask for help with the community. Sounds like an initiative that some members may be able to advise you on. Could you please provide answers to the following questions, so this advice can be tailored to your needs?

1. What are you looking to set up? A company, an organisation or would it be you working as a freelance individual? 

2. What would be the purpose/goal of the organisation that you are looking to set up?

3. Where would you like to set it up? (e.g. Which country, region)

4. What is the timeline that you are looking to set it up in? (e.g. this year/2024 or in a couple of years)?

Feel free to answer in French if that would be easier. 

Thanks in advance for your answers so we can better understand the advice that is needed for your situation. 

@Ghyslain Mabaya pleasure to help. Thanks for tagging @Thirza Loffeld 

So the exercise I would start with is this one here: https://www.threebility.com/post/the-sustainable-business-model-canvas-a-common-language-for-sustainable-innovation

A perfect starting point to see how far you can go. 

I studied business and read a lot of books, but if you have only limited time I would always advise this one to start with.

You can immediately see where your passion lies and what potential roadblocks for your ideas are. 

If you have some more precise questions feel free to ask! 

Happy to help :)

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