Brazilian, living in Germany, and passionate about amphibians


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Hello, my name is Renata! Originally from Brazil, but living in Frankfurt, Germany, for nearly three years. I hold a Master’s and a PhD in amphibian physiology, with 15 years of experience dedicated to amphibian conservation and ex situ management. Currently, I coordinate an ex situ conservation program for Brazilian amphibians with Amphibian Ark, and I serve as the Deputy Chair of the Amphibian Specialist Group Brazil (SSC IUCN). I'm excited to join WildHub to connect with others working toward similar conservation goals, especially across Germany and Europe. As I settle into life in Germany, I’m eager to expand my network, build new collaborations, and explore job opportunities in conservation here. I look forward to learning and sharing insights on conservation!

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Go to the profile of Flavia Manieri
2 months ago

Welcome to WildHub, Renata! Great to have you join us and thanks for sharing your current work and academic background with us. How has Germany been treating you so far? I don't know if this can be of any interest to you at all, but the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (in the UK) is currently hiring a Communications Officer. More info here: 

We look forward to your contributions here on WildHub and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 

Go to the profile of Renata Ibelli Vaz
2 months ago

Hi Flavia! Thanks for the warm welcome. Germany's been great so far! The language can be a bit tricky, but I really like it here. Thanks for sharing the opportunity with me—it sounds amazing, but it's not the right time for me now. Looking forward to contributing here on WildHub! 

Go to the profile of Thirza Loffeld
2 months ago

A warm welcome to WildHub, Renata! Wonderful to have you join us and thank you for sharing about your background. 

Perhaps of interest to you could be our Conservation Catalyst programme here, which can be a great experience for networking as well as sharing other people’s learnings. 

Also, I would recommend joining our member Social events (dates here) which is a great way to get to know other members. 

Let us know if you have any questions. 

Go to the profile of Renata Ibelli Vaz
2 months ago

Hi Thirza. Thanks for the tips! I'll take a look at them. The social events sound like a great way to connect with everyone here. I’ll do my best to participate. Cheers, Renata

Bem-vinda ao WildHub, Renata! 🇧🇷🐸

Que alegria ter mais uma brasileira apaixonada por conservação aqui na comunidade! Seu trabalho com conservação e manejo ex situ de anfíbios ao longo desses 15 anos é impressionante, e a atuação como coordenadora no Amphibian Ark e Vice-Presidente do Grupo de Especialistas em Anfíbios do Brasil mostra o quanto você contribui para proteger essas espécies tão importantes.

Como também estou no caminho da conservação, estou animada para aprender com sua experiência e trocar ideias sobre iniciativas de preservação, especialmente agora que você está expandindo para a Europa. Existe algum projeto específico na Alemanha ou Europa que você já tenha em mente ou gostaria de explorar? Vamos fortalecer essa rede e fazer a diferença juntas!

Go to the profile of Renata Ibelli Vaz
2 months ago

Oi Amanda, obrigada pela mensagem! Estou muito feliz em fazer parte dessa comunidade. Ainda estou me familiarizando com tudo para poder aproveitar ao máximo e compartilhar minha experiência também. Sobre os projetos aqui na Alemanha, tenho acompanhado alguns e estou tentando participar de eventos para conhecer as pessoas e expandir meu networking. Ainda é um pouco complicado por causa do idioma, então o foco está em aprender alemão primeiro.

Você também mora na Europa?

